Friday, April 27, 2007

The Critter Blog

So, what is a critter, you ask?
Anything not a cat or dog.
Between TS and I we have had a wide, wide variety of critters as pets.
Some, like the tree frogs and snakes we kept as kids, were short-term.
Some, like Turdie the Turtle we have had for 23 years.
So, this is also a good place to talk about them.
My dad was especially fond of critters. As a kid, I nearly got a pet skunk (veto by mom) a pet ferret (veto'd by dad after one took a chunk out of his thumb) and a few other pets that will remain nameless.
TS also had his share of critter pets. Including worms - which you can't really call PETS, but are interesting just the same.

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